Система за управление на документи
Награденото DMS за сигурно и по-устойчиво съхранение, управление и одобрение на цифрови документи
Първи стъпки Видео преглед- Central Source of Truth
- Automate Reliably
- Manage Access
- Find Easily
256-битово криптиране256-bit encryption secures your data by converting it into a code that only authorized users can decipher, ensuring it is safe from unauthorized access. For example, this level of security is used by banks to protect financial information.
Двуфакторно удостоверяванеTwo-Factor Authentication (2FA) enhances your security by requiring a verification code from an authentication app, in addition to your password.
SSL връзкиSSL (Secure Sockets Layer) connections encrypt the data transmitted between your browser and our servers, ensuring that your information remains private and protected from interception.
Персонализирана политика за паролиCustom password policies allow you to define specific rules for creating secure passwords, such as length, complexity, and expiration.
Тройни резервни копияTriple Backups ensure that your data is redundantly stored across multiple locations for maximum safety and reliability. This means even in the unlikely event of a failure at one site, your data remains secure and accessible.
Кошчето се вижда само от администраторите на акаунтиThe Recycle Bin, visible only to account administrators, ensures that deleted files can be reviewed and restored if needed.
MS Entra ID & Okta integrationThis integration allows for centralized identity management, single sign-on (SSO), and robust security policies, ensuring that users can easily and securely access resources while administrators maintain control over user permissions and data protection.
Само за визуализацияThe Preview-Only permission level allows users to view documents without the ability to print, download, edit, or even select and copy text.
Само за качванеThe Upload-Only permission level allows users to add new files to a designated location without the ability to view, download, or modify existing content. This feature is perfect for scenarios where document submissions are required without granting access to other sensitive files.
Преглед и изтеглянеThis permission level allows users to view documents, as well as print and download them.
РедакторThe Editor permission level grants users full control over the shared resource, including the ability to view, edit, delete, and manage files and settings.
Подробен контрол на достъпаCustom Permissions allow precise control over user actions, such as toggling audit trail visibility, enabling online editing only, and restricting downloads or other activities. This flexibility ensures that each user’s access aligns perfectly with their role and the security needs of the shared resource.
OCR индексиране на съдържаниеOCR (Optical Character Recognition) content indexing enables the conversion of scanned documents and images into searchable text. You can find documents based on their content, not just file name!
Разширено филтриранеAdvanced Filtering offers powerful tools to refine your searches using metadata filters, custom metadata fields, date ranges, due dates, and more. This enables you to quickly locate relevant files based on specific criteria like project status, document type, or key deadlines.
Персонализирани метаданниCustom Metadata enables you to define various types of metadata fields, such as text, numbers, dates, and dropdown lists, for each document. This flexibility allows you to tailor data attributes to your specific needs, enhancing the organization, searchability, and management of your files.
Свързване на файловеLinking and relating resources allows you to connect files, folders, and external links within the system, creating a network of related documents and resources.
Неограничена файлова историяVersion History ensures that every change made to a document is automatically saved, with no limit on the number of versions stored. When using Office 365 integration, versioning happens automatically.
Работни процеси за одобрениеApproval Workflows automate the review and approval process for documents, allowing you to set customized pathways and assign tasks to team members. After the workflow is completed, the system generates a summary PDF that includes the document sent for approval and appends it as the final page.
Работни процеси за електронно подписванеFolderit eSign offers unlimited e-signing capabilities within the Tailor plan, ensuring streamlined and secure document workflows. Additionally, it integrates seamlessly with DocuSign for broader compatibility and supports eID formats like XAdES and ASIC-E for advanced digital identity verification.
Работни процеси за потвърждениеAcknowledgement Workflows are perfect for distributing documents such as safety regulations and policies that require user confirmation, ensuring compliance with ISO standards and other regulatory requirements. This feature tracks who has read and acknowledged each document, providing a clear record for audits and demonstrating compliance effectively.
Система за номериране на документиAutomated Document Numbering allows you to set up custom numbering schemes for your files, integrating custom metadata fields into the numbering system. This feature helps in maintaining a structured and consistent document management process.
НапомнянияReminders can be set for both users and groups, allowing you to schedule notifications with a custom message and a link to the relevant resource. Simply pick a date and time to ensure that everyone stays informed and on track with important tasks and deadlines, such as document reviews or policy updates.
Автоматизация на задържанетоRetention Time Automation allows you to set automated schedules for how long files or folders should be kept before being archived or deleted. This can be customized on a per-file or per-folder basis, ensuring compliance with retention policies.
Имейл адрес за папкиEach folder in Folderit can be assigned a unique email address. Send attachments directly to the chosen folder via email, saving the sender’s details, subject, and email content as metadata for easy organization and retrieval. Perfect for workflows like scanning to email, or when you need to quickly and securely store documents.
Табло за управление и инструменти за отчитанеThese tools offer a comprehensive admin dashboard with organization-wide lists, including duplicate reports, documents pending decisions in any workflow, retention time ending reports, and due or upcoming due documents. Additionally, it provides a detailed overview of all files. All exportable to Excel, PDF, CSV and more. Each user also has a personal dashboard with their tasks.
Пълни одитни пътекиAudit trails log every action taken on files, folders, and across the entire organization, whether by users or external parties. Each action is timestamped for precise tracking. This data can be exported in various formats, including Excel, CSV, and PDF, for comprehensive reporting, compliance, and monitoring purposes.
Преглед на всички споделени ресурсиThis provides a centralized list of all documents and folders shared with users and non-users, including those shared via public links. This feature allows you to easily monitor and control access, ensuring that you can manage permissions and revoke access at any time to maintain security and confidentiality.
ИзвестияCustomizable notifications allow users to select which alerts and how often they want to receive, including updates on shared documents, approval requests, and signature requests.
Множество фирмени подсметкиCreate and manage separate sub-accounts for different business entities, or locations, each with its own team members, user groups, and even admins. Easily switch between them under a single user account.
Microsoft Office 365 интеграцияMicrosoft Office 365 integration is built-in, to create and edit Word, Excel, and PowerPoint files directly within the Folderit system.
Outlook Add-inThe Folderit Outlook Add-In allows you to send selected emails directly from Outlook to any chosen folder in Folderit.
Интегриране на електронно подписване на DocuSignStart DocuSign workflows directly within Folderit and automatically receive signed documents back into the system.
Удобен за мобилни устройства и таблетиFolderit DMS is fully optimized for mobile and tablet use, providing a seamless experience across devices. Whether you’re managing documents, getting approvals done or accessing reports, you can enjoy intuitive navigation and full functionality on the go.
Настолно приложениеFolderit Sync is a desktop app that syncs your files across your PCs, ensuring you have access to the latest documents both online and offline. It allows easy management of your files directly from your desktop, keeping your data synchronized and secure.
Съхранявайте и вграждайте URL адресиStore and embed external URLs within Folderit, allowing you to open them in an iframe or a separate tab. These URLs can be linked to other items, include metadata, and be managed like any other document.
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По-устойчиво и по-екологично решение за управление на документи.
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Folderit е най-удобният за потребителя DMS в света. Спестява ви време и пари.
Ние се грижим дълбоко за нашите клиенти и работим много усилено всеки ден, за да предоставим DMS софтуер, който е различен по всички правилни начини. Folderit е създаден за хора като вас, които ценят сигурността и поверителността.
Нашият награден интуитивен потребителски интерфейс прави работата във Folderit по-бърза. Всъщност вие правите нещата по-бързо, отколкото с всеки друг сравним софтуер!
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Folderit DMS is easy-to-use, secure and affordable. This, in combination with our outstanding support team is exactly what our customers seek!
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Управлението на документи без хартия е лесна част от ежедневния бизнес за много компании и организации по света. За тези, които са избрали Folderit.