It would be next to impossible for a business to go through an entire day without having interacted with a document. No workflow is completely hassle-free unless information moves freely through documents, which is why you need Document Management Workflow.
The following are common use-cases that necessitate the presence of a smooth document management workflow:
- Project proposals
- Sales Pitches
- Invoicing
- Finance reports
- Software documentation
- HR guidelines
- Inventory Management
- Marketing material
- Training manuals
Just to name a few.
Folderit is ideal to implement document management workflow
The biggest problem with any form of documentation is the piling up. The larger the pile, the higher the complexity. Trusting a reliable system to manage these files is the difference between a smooth operation and a teetering business. Document management workflow is about creating an environment in which all the stakeholders can quickly, easily, and accurately access the content they are looking for.
Folderit accomplishes this with a powerful OCR enabled search that locates your intended content through a combination of Metatags (default as well as custom), name, and content. Therefore, if you have the right keywords, you will be led to the right file. Additionally, if you are in a business that deals with read-only documents, such as scans, PDFs, images, etc. then the optical character recognition (OCR) search will look through that content as well. Additionally, if you are working on a project with a bunch of connected documents, you can create associated files. This way you just have to find a single file and the others will following along automatically.
Folderit also features a collaboration model with Microsoft Office 365 (separate subscription required) that allows users to collaborate on Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint as if they were sitting right next to each other.
Why do we need Document Management Workflow?
The biggest problem with documentation is that despite their inescapable necessity, not all documents are necessary in and of their own, but they are created. For example, when keeping track of work emails, one can’t help but also keep email chains in which coworkers trade pleasantries with each other without discussing anything document worthy. This is why documents create inefficiencies in the workflow.
Anyone at work who has spent hours and hours of precious time looking for a specific file, or folder on their own computers, portable drives, company drives, cloud storages, chat apps, finding the right storage only to find out that it is with someone else, etc. can attest to having a central location for file storage as the ideal solution to such problems.
Another hold up in the documentation process is when something needs to be approved by other teammates, or managers. Submitting the document, waiting for its review, any back and forth on modification and final approval are all activities that can take up two people’s time even though the task is for one person only. To bypass this, Folderit offers an automatic approval workflow. You can configure it such that the relevant users are sent the document for approval. You can configure it such that they are automatically prompted to carry out their next set of actions. You can also configure Folderit such that approvals come either all at once, or through a hierarchy.
Safe and Sound
Another problem with document management occurs when they are stored on an online file storage system that is accessible by everyone. Even if the content is safe, the physical media isn’t always. This is compounded when irrelevant users have the same access as regular users and can sometimes interfere with things they ought not to be interfering with.
Folderit is a cloud-based solution protected under 256-bit bank level encryption and all data in and out of the system is encrypted using SSL security. So, all communication in and out of the system is impregnable. Additionally, Folderit features the ability to create varying degrees of access for different users. That way you can restrict which kind of users have access to which files and folders without risking losing anything important.
Streamlining documents can do wonders for your office’s efficiency. Having access to the necessary information immediately will put your operation head and shoulders above competitors with ancient documentation practices.