Document management administrator job description
A good document manager description is a person who designs and tracks the behavior and performance of documents in your business operations. No matter how large or how small your business is, document management is an essential part of it. Even if you are running a babysitting service out of your home, you must track the schedules of the children, payment from parents, and various documents required for licensing of a home childcare facility.
Even a lawn-mowing business can generate documents – paid receipts from satisfied customers, lawn mower repairs, gasoline or batteries for equipment. At the home-business level, the owner is probably also the document manager, but as a company grows, so does the “paperwork.” Even if you are using digital documents, it is essential to sort, label and create ways to access the information quickly and easily. Even with the agilest, self-driven system, someone must troubleshoot and manage it. That would be the task of the document management administrator.
Document Management Administrator Job Description
A document management administrator job description might include having at least an associate’s degree in business, experience as a supervisor, and – of course – a firm grasp of accounting and documentation for accounting. The administrator will not only track the documents but is likely to also take care of designing it in the system, assigning metadata, creating tags and more. He or she will be the place where the buck stops when no one can figure out where that receipt or transaction record disappeared to. In the best systems, there will be backups and redundancies built in to take care of the inevitable computer crashes and other incidents that can lose information as easily in a digital jungle as in a room full of filing cabinets.
Document Management Consultant Job Description
A document management consultant job description includes many of the same qualifications as a document management administrator. The primary difference is that the consultant is a contractor, rather than an employee. He or she is likely to be managing document systems for several companies, and is an expert in setting up systems that are just right for your business, tweaking the trouble spots to make them fit, and generally overseeing the processes. Your local document manager administrator is the one who will closely interact with the consultant, tending the overview of daily documentation activities. A company who has both an able administrator and consultant is a lucky company, indeed!
A Document Management System
Another important link in your document management is a good system for handling your documents. A cloud-based document management system such as Folderit can streamline the task for your document management administrator. Folderit offers premade folders for your convenience, but these can be relabeled and additional folders created for your convenience. Adding metadata and tags is a breeze. Beyond that, collaboration efforts are easily managed through assigning passwords to various levels of activity. More than that, users can track document signatures, set deadlines for projects and issue reminders via email.
Document management administrator consultant
How Consultants and Administrators Can Use Cloud-Based Folders
Cloud-based folders for document storage make collaboration easy. Even if a consultant is half-way around the world from a business, they can easily work with document managers and administrators who are onsite. In some cases, “onsite” might really amount to connecting online. Whether a company is a brick and mortar or Internet-based, a cloud-based system makes communication easier. By developing consistent methods to be used by all workers, documents can be stored quickly and easily either by creating them online or by scanning and uploading digital copies of paper documents.
Consultants and administrators can work together, or an administrator can work alone, to develop a set of folders that meets the business’s needs. They can then add metadata, such as dates, times, signatures, and descriptions to assist with workflow and locating the information. They can set up project folders to include a calendar of due dates, add timely reminder notices, and generally enable monitoring the business processes.
The Folderit Advantage
Folderit makes it easy for your documents manager to meet expectations. Your documents are stored in encrypted cloud-based files until you or your manager retrieves them. If your regulations require a backup copy stored off site, you can easily and quickly download a copy at any time so that it can be placed in a safe location.
Projects are often a headache for your documents manager, but with Folderit, handling the requisitions, expenses, and results of a project is greatly simplified. You can even split off different categories for a set of folders, including management of your personal files while enjoying the same convenience offered in your business folders.
Summing it All Up
A good document management administrator job description is an individual who oversees other document managers and is often responsible for the design of the system and for making sure that the paperwork flows quickly and correctly. A document management consultant job description might be a person who acts as a document management administrator or who works with the onsite document management administrator to develop a document management system that handles record keeping, communication, and other aspects of document management.
Folderit is a cloud-based document management system that can make it easier for a consultant to work with you or your documents management administrator while storing information, facilitating projects, and storing your information in an encrypted online environment. You can increase the security of your data by periodically downloading and storing a backup copy of everything – which is an industry standard business practice.
Ask your documents management administrator if he or she has anything to add to this job description. While you are on it, see what he or she thinks of the idea of cloud-based storage for your vital business processes. We believe that your documents management administrator (which could be you) will be impressed.
Managing documents can be a challenging process. It is our goal to make your life just a little bit easier.
See all the features of Folderit DMS and sign up for the 30-day trial!