Manage Documents Online
If you know you want to manage documents online, you probably already know the perks of it and can start right away your totally free trial of the simply wonderful Folderit DMS. But just in case you missed a few of the advantages of managing documents online, let me list them here.
Why Should You Manage Documents Online
- First of all, it is just so much more secure. The loss of data is pretty much of of the picture while it is a serious danger when you manage your documents on local machines. Your personal computer or local file server — doesn’t really matter. Although servers usually have better backup management to take care of hard drive failures, it still is vulnerable to local disasters. If the hardware is hurt, so is the data in it. Not to mention it is much easier for a bad actor to compromise your local computer system either physically or remotely to steal your data.
- Collaborating is super easy! Sharing files or giving access to every Bookkeeping, Human Resources or other folder is simple! Just choose if the other can only see the documents or make changes to them, or maybe you want them to be able to add files to the shared folder. And maybe you want to get notified every time someone adds something with information about who added, when and what. It’s all possible and super easy!
- Remote working is your new best friend. No need to be in the office to access your work files. You can be where ever, as the system is all online. And you can use either your computer, tablet or a smartphone to access them. I wouldn’t be surprised if there was a fridge smart enough to use for working on Folderit document management system these days…!
- Paperless office saves you room, money and time. Everything is faster, everything is more transparent and trackable. And you will help save the planet!
As you already knew, of course you should manage documents online, not locally. And the easiest way to get started is to try out the amazing Folderit DMS for free, no credit card required.