A document management system is the next step in being a responsible and conscientious user. No matter how meticulously, or elegantly you store your information, you are still going to be bound by your operating system in how quickly you can locate items on your storage.

For that and a sea of other reasons, we need Folderit, a service that lets you take unprecedented control over your documents.

One of the most convenient features of Folderit has been metadata and custom metadata, additional information visible only to the system that helps you organize and find files quicker than a physical search. You can assign any type of metadata you wanted to the file, to make it contextually relevant to you, while becoming easier to locate.

Now, Folderit is powering up custom metadata fields to even higher levels, offering you unprecedented control and access to your document management system.

Metadata in Document Management System Software Folderit

The default metadata fields for folders can be set to any datatype, such as:

 And many more. 

What this means is that files can now sort with even more data fields allowing you to find the precise document(s) from among a sea. For example: if a legal firm is looking for a very specific file from a certain date, which mentions a certain time, and refers to a certain website, you will end up at the exact file using metadata alone, without even having to bother with a deeper search.

However, the good news is that these custom metadata entries are just that, custom. If you don’t need that much content to index business in your particular line of work, then you don’t have to enable them. 

You can create a metadata template that can apply to multiple documents instead of you having to recreate it for each file individually. Despite this facility, you can still create new metadata fields so that you can keep continuous control over your documents.  

To save time over multiple usages, you can configure a certain folder, or folder groups to inherit custom metadata fields. This means you don’t have to create custom metadata fields for every file that enters your system, it will be pre-configured for you. 

You can even create predefined list types in your metadata. For example, you can create Option A, Option B, etc. Also, when uploading/creating a new file, you can enter metadata as status, for example, “In progress”, “on-hold”, “done”, etc. That way you can find all documents “in progress” or “done”. 

Previously, you could add custom metadata like, due date, tags, notes, now you can power it up even more with custom meta data fields. Coupled with Folderit’s powerful OCR (which can select any number of various language options). This gives you every opportunity to store your documents in a reliable and easily retrievable manner.

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