In the age of cryptocurrency, a digital asset has two meanings. It is either your digital financial assets, or any content that you store digitally. We will focus on the latter.
Items that qualify as digital assets consistently evolve, e.g. music has gone from wave files to a myriad modern formats (mp3, FLAC, etc.). Businesses such as marketing agencies, film and animation studios, consultancies, etc. all create some form of digital assets they would like to protect; they could be code, 3D models, spreadsheets, etc. So, how would one go about storing digital assets?
The following are common types of digital assets:
- 3D Assets
- Photos
- Videos
- Audio Files
- Word documents
- Excel spreadsheets
- Slide decks, or presentations
- PDFs
Safely Storing digital assets
One of the greatest threats to any physical storage device is that they are susceptible to damage, loss, theft, or natural calamities, some outcomes more likely than others. The most famous incident of this was when Toy Story 2 was accidentally deleted one night and was only saved because someone made a backup earlier. The only salvation for that film was happenstance. However, that no longer needs to be the case. It would be extremely costly to attempt to protect against all such incidents, in the shape of backup servers and enhanced cybersecurity.
With a cloud storage solution like Folderit, you get the comfort of all possible security solutions at a very affordable price. Folderit’s cloud backup keeps content backed up in a facility designed to survive all manners of calamities at 3 different locations (just in case something goes wrong at one), and that is on top of any backups you personally keep.
Professionals who deal with 3D assets and/or RAW footage can appreciate just how valuable it is to be able to transfer large files in one go rather than to have to break them down. Folderit allows for a single file sized up to 90GB to be uploaded at a single time.
Moreover, you can assign rights to users or user-groups based on how much access you want to grant to which users. You can grant complete unfettered access, limited access, read only access, or none at all. People with read only access can view the documents/assets but cannot modify them in any way (especially helpful when sharing previews with clients). Users who have no stake in the matter can be granted no access and to them it will be like the assets never existed. You can configure assets such that multiple users can access them at a time, or only one can while locking others out.
Lastly, the most important thing to have with digital assets is credibility. Folderit leaves audit-trails in the form of an access log that marks down which user accessed which file and when.
On the subject of access and collaboration, there is a lot of power behind being able to collaborate with people, especially when working on digital assets such as office documentation. That is where Folderit’s integration with Microsoft Office 365 (separate subscription required) comes in to play. You can have two or more collaborators work on a document as if they were sitting right next to each other. All collaborators get their own cursor, and each user gets their own backup copy, so failure at the user level does not seize the operation. You can collaborate with fellow users on Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint.
The greatest advantage of a high-end cloud solution is the impregnable cyber security. All your digital assets are kept secure under 256-bit bank level encryption, which would take even the most advanced supercomputer millions of years to crack. You can even enforce a password policy of your choice throughout the system to make sure you are as safe as you want to be.
To a company, a digital asset is just as valuable as a physical one. So much time, energy, creativity, and resources get pooled into creating assets, it becomes imperative to store them safely, securely, and reliably. Instead of having to rely on a bunch of disconnected storage solutions that will inevitably lead to added complexity, the most reliable solution is a one window operation like Folderit.