Every organization knows the importance of smooth workflows. But disruptions are inevitable, this can be vacations, emergencies, or unexpected absences that cause approval delays, bottlenecks, and missed deadlines, all of which harm productivity. So, how do you keep things running smoothly when that manager or executive who needs to approve that all so important strategy document is not available?

To address this Folderit has introduced its new feature Temporary Workflow Deputies come in. This feature allows you to delegate key tasks and approvals to deputies during an absence, ensuring that workflows don’t stall and your business stays on track. We’ve developed this feature based on user feedback and analysis of workflow bottlenecks, with the goal of making sure that everything remains easy for our users.

Because it’s all about keeping things moving, no matter what.

Workflow Challenges in Modern Enterprises

When the important person responsible for approving a task or document is unavailable, workflows often come to a screeching halt, regardless of scale or industry, and worse of all these disruptions create multiple ripple effects across all your operations:

The traditional workaround of manually reassigning tasks or relying on informal handovers often falls short (and ends up wasting more time because now you have to assign someone from another task to this one at the last minute and don’t get me started on the communication gaps). There’s also a noticeable lack of transparency that can occur, as well as a growing risk of errors as responsibilities are transferred without proper documentation.

This is precisely where our Temporary Workflow Deputies feature is a lifesaver, bringing structure, security, and transparency to the delegation process.

Introducing Folderit’s Temporary Workflow Deputies

Our Temporary Workflow Deputies feature is designed to eliminate these workflow disruptions. How? By allowing you to assign deputies to manage workflows during your absence,allowing you ensure that no bottlenecks occur, and approvals, rejections, or feedback requests are handled without delay.

Here’s how the feature works to ensure seamless business operations:

Simple Deputy Assignment

Using your Folderit profile you can delegate or substitute a workflow deputy for a specific time period. Regardless of whether you’re away for a week or a day, the process is extremely simple, quite literally two major steps, setting your absence period and choosing the deputy. Then Folderit takes care of the rest for you, routing your workflows to the deputy automatically for that particular time period.

Delegate with One Click

Have a workflow that’s better suited for another team member? No problem. With Folderit’s Delegate button, you can transfer tasks or approvals to the right person instantly. This eliminates delays and ensures tasks are handled by the most appropriate team member.

Full Transparency with Audit Logs

Transparency is key in maintaining accountability. Even when a deputy steps in, Folderit’s robust audit logs clearly document who made each decision, along with their role as a temporary deputy. This removes almost all ambiguity and possible confusion with regard to who approved what.

Features That Drive Workflow Efficiency

1. Automated Delegation:

Once you assign a deputy, Folderit routes tasks directly to them during your set absence period. This removes the need for manual follow-ups or extra effort from team members trying to track task progress. Your workflows continue without interruptions, giving everyone peace of mind.

2. Real-Time Task Reassignment:

No stragglers, no delays, the Delegate feature makes sure that deputies can instantly take on critical tasks. Whether it’s approving a document, providing feedback, or rejecting a request, deputies carry out these tasks in real-time, making sure that projects don’t hit any unnecessary bottlenecks. I mean as a service we’re doing everything short of actually running your operations..

3. Data Security and Integrity:

Stop worrying about security when you’re delegating tasks. Folderit’s access and security features are as solid as ever. Even in delegation mode, documents and workflows are safeguarded by AES 256-bit encryption (you’re need a super computer to even try to brute force break this encryption, and only authorized deputies will have access to sensitive information. This ensures full visibility of access and actions taken, making sure data integrity is maintained.

Why Temporary Workflow Deputies Matter for Enterprises

Folderit’s Temporary Workflow Deputies feature is built for flexibility, scalability, and of course user-friendliness, making it the best deal for companies of all sizes.

Here’s how teams can benefit from this:

Human Resources (HR)

HR professionals often face time-sensitive approvals for hiring, payroll, and employee benefits. With deputies stepping in, these critical tasks can continue uninterrupted, even when the department head is out of the office.

Financial approvals and contract sign-offs require meticulous oversight. Waiting for a single person to approve everything can grind things to a halt. Temporary Workflow Deputies eliminate this problem by ensuring that crucial approvals keep happening, regardless of who’s in the office.

Operations and Project Management

Project timelines live and die by timely decisions. With deputies handling approvals and other essential actions, your projects stay on track without any delays. This means fewer missed deadlines and more successful projects.

Folderit’s Temporary Workflow Deputies feature works seamlessly with any department, helping your organization maintain productivity without the risk of delays caused by unavailable personnel.

Folderit’s Temporary Workflow Deputies offers an easy, yet powerful solution to one of the most common operational challenges in modern businesses, which is keeping workflows smooth, even when key decision-makers are unavailable (though we might end up causing an epidemic of people taking leaves from their offices).

Try Folderit for Free!