You’ve most likely spent more time than you care to remember searching your hard drive for that lost file… When your search finally did turn up the potential prospects, how many documents did you have to browse through to find the one that contained the specific data that you needed? Chances are it was too many, and your hopes of having a productive day at the office quickly vanished!
Fortunately, digital documents are unique from other files. They possess the ability to be identified in dozens of ways (unlike a simple folder with a mere title attached). If you can’t remember the clever name you gave your file at its conception, then you can track it through its metadata.
At Folderit, our default metadata settings include: titles, notes, dates, due dates, tags and signers. Beyond these basics, you can create custom fields with the names and values you wish to use. What’s more, Folderit’s additional features can be added to send you reminders of dates, keep several versions of the same file, discriminate among users, and much more!
Watch the Folderit tutorial today, and learn more about our document management software.